I Know I’m in Love When I Buy Whole Milk

thank yous unwritten

Except for when we have a showing, my house is upside down these days.

My kindergartner had to remind me to roll down my window when we pulled up to the drive thru at our new Chick-Fil-A.

I’m late delivering copy I promised weeks ago. Even later writing thank you notes from spring break. (If I saw you during spring break, thank you for your hospitality. A proper note will be forthcoming someday.)

I forgot to pay a few bills. Wore the same outfit three times in one week.

Cut my recreational shopping so severely, it no longer qualifies as recreational. It’s now combat. In. Out. Mission accomplished.

Took snapshots of H&M’s naked mannequin and Cabela’s taxidermied bears.

Bought body wash for my son when my shopping list specifically read shampoo. Twice. We have enough to keep him sparkling through third grade.

And I carried whole milk home from the grocery store. Shopping with my eyes closed that time.

This from the woman who made a crusade of cutting calories and fat from our family diet. Who painstakingly racheted us down from whole to two percent and finally to one percent over the course of several months.

the red milk

What a surprise one morning at breakfast when my son said, “Mom, you bought the red milk.” Whole milk is labeled red at our grocery store.

“No, I didn’t,” I said.

“Yes, it’s red.”

“What? Oh, my. It is the red milk!”

We drank the red milk. Then I paid more attention and bought the purple milk on my next mission.

What can I say? I’m in love.

Something has captured my attention. Occupies my mind. Changes the way I see things. Gets me up in the middle of the night.

hearts in a row

It’s a jealous lover. Expects all my time. Truth be told I would really like to let the world go and just swim in it.

And why not? My husband tells me it’s all right to want to spend my time with this. To want to be alive. To enjoy my work again.

Where will this affair will lead?

Right now it doesn’t matter. I’m reveling in the obsession. Hope you are too.

Even so, I have noticed one thing, at least, that is good. It is good for people to eat, drink, and enjoy their work under the sun during the short life God has given them, and to accept their lot in life. Ecclesiastes 5:18 NLT

Diamond Rio, you put it so well in What a Beautiful Mess. Hey, wait a minute. That’s my car…

15 thoughts on “I Know I’m in Love When I Buy Whole Milk

  1. Aimee, somehow I missed this blog post until now. At first, I thought you were talking about WWF :-)

    Seriously, you’re great at this, and everyone loves reading the stories you choose to share. Bravo!

    1. lol about WWF because this post very well could be about that too! As we say in NC, the truth hurts, don’t it? Thank you, Cheryl, for reading my blog and for broadening my vocabulary via competitive iPhone Scrabble!

  2. Aimee, love this post! I’m drowning in laundry and cleaning on this gray day. And I’m taking a break to read blogs…when i should be paying bills. Love your writing. Keep it up…and don’t sweat the small stuff too much. I definitely needed to read Ecclesiastes 5:18 today. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks, Katie! Or should I say thanks, Lady Esther Beau of Belmont? Ecclesiastes happens to be one of my favorite Bible book (ok, they’re all good), so I expect more verses to surface. Don’t you sweat the small stuff (ie. cleaning and laundry) too much either, and thanks again for reading! Sincerely, Lady Helen Frisky of Buxenbury

  3. Oh Aimee, Such an infatuation can only lead to heart ache and attack…But in the meantime, enjoy the passion and flavor of God’s natural gift. In moderation of course. (Note: When it’s time to return to the market driven milk of choice these days, cut it gradually with the boring variety until the fat is at a reasonable level.)

  4. It’s great that you enjoy writing this as much as we enjoy reading it. I’m looking for that passion again… thanks for reminding me the search is worth it.

    1. I nearly lost hope, and I’m not sure this is necessarily the end of the rainbow. But in the words of Winston Churchill (since this is such a British sort of day), never, never, never give up!
      Thanks for reading, Lisa. Glad you’re enjoying it!

  5. My wife also brought us into the 1 percent realm of milk though I sure wish she would fall in love and bring me whole milk by accident one day. lol.. This thing is a bit addicting isn’t it? Hope you and yours had a wonderful Easter and loved this posting Aimee!


  6. Wow Aimee, I’d like to know how you negotiated bringing that milk fat down in your house! That might be an entertaining blog post in itself.

    1. Negotiated? Ha! Let’s just say there was a lot of kicking and screaming…lol. Really it wasn’t so bad, save a few weeks of dirty looks across the breakfast table. Thanks for checking in from the PNW, Ging!

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