Family Business

look, ma. no tooth!

This is a rare and unplanned Saturday post. It’s quick so don’t blink.

First, THE major development: the child lost his first tooth today. It’s been noticeably loose for almost two weeks and finally popped out this morning at breakfast. The toothless look becomes him. So do the freckles.

The other development: while playing on WordPress this afternoon, I discovered another widget. It’s that Facebook page link over there to the left. Click like to declare your like of everyday epistle

That’s assuming you do like everyday epistle. If not, what are you doing here? Get off my blog!

Just kidding. Stay as long as you like and enjoy your weekend, folks.

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin… from Zechariah 4:10 NLT

4 thoughts on “Family Business

  1. Well, I have to ask, how did mom (or MOB) do with the loss of his first tooth? When Wyatt lost his first, I cried like I was the one losing teeth! Theo’s getting so big!

    1. Hi, Krista! This MOB did okay. We’d been waiting and waiting for the tooth to come out. It was loose to the point of making us cringe to see it. And of course Theo kept playing with it. I was actually upstairs when it came out and one of my BFFs was downstairs with Jeff and Theo. They all started screaming, so I ran downstairs to the celebration. For some odd reason, Jeff has no stomach for seeing teeth out of mouths, so I handled putting the precious little parcel in a bag for the tooth fairy. Then my friend and I left to go shopping. All these distractions held off the tears, at least for now. But that tiny little tooth and Theo’s snaggletooth smile this morning sure melts my heart…

    1. She was good to him. He woke earlier than early this morning to find one dollar. Yesterday he was paid his allowance for completing his chores, so he thinks he’s in the money now!

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