See that banner at the top? That foreign image in the sidebar? Yes, those are ads.
I’ve succumbed to the invitation from WordPress to try the WordAds Beta.
What does that make me? A greedy sellout? A savvy businesswoman?
A somewhat clueless blogger would be more accurate. I’m still learning and this is part of the process. Together we’ll see how this works.
Together as in me and you. You and I. We. You are an accomplice, complicit in the crimes and passions of this crazy blog experiment.
Relax. Your part is easy and doesn’t involve the getaway car.
Please keep reading and visiting the site. If you see an ad that’s offensive or in poor taste, please let me know immediately via comment, email or Twitter. I don’t choose the ads that appear on my page, but I can pull them lickety-split.
Blogging with WordPress has been positive so far. If this newest twist works, great. If not, we’ll have learned something. What do we have to lose?
For I am the Lord your God
who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear;
I will help you. Isaiah 41:13 NIV
Ambivalence bordering snarkiness rules the day while the jury’s still out about the ads. Taken For a Fool? I hope The Strokes’ lyrics don’t apply here, even though their song rocks.
It doesn’t hurt to try something new and the ads don’t bother me a bit. If you can earn some income for your terrific blog efforts, all the better. Good Luck!
Thank you. We’ll see how it goes & roll with the punches.
I’ve got some kind of ad blocker running in the background, so you won’t be making any money off me… 8)
Lol. You need to be my IT guy.
Go for it, Aimee. True fans will read you anyway, anywhere.
Thank you, Alicia. You remain the bomb.
I used to have google ads pop up on my blog when I had something that got a good bit of traffic as it posted…. all it took was one ad I didn’t want on my blog to pull the plug. I actually paid to keep the ads off! LOL! What’s that make me if this makes you a greedy capitalist? Well, maybe I took them off because I wanted the prime real estate for myself!
Prime real estate is a good way to describe it, Janice. Every pixel counts…
and now it does.
beta-ware. I am usually pretty good at ignoring ads.
well, that is mostly true. what I REALLY DO is look at the ads and reverse engineer the process to see what it is they want to sell me, and just exactly what they think I might be interested in.
it’s kind of like “does this dress make my butt look fat?”
this means, to the fella, “I need some positive attention from you, right now, and if you don’t pull off something really clever, your sleeping on the couch.”
there isn’t real honesty in an ad showing bikinis and selling insurance.
and the variations are legion. you take the coin, I will ignore the ads.
Being immune to them works fine for me!
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I’ll be curious to hear your followup on how this works out. I like the idea of everyday bloggers finding a way to get a bit of compensation for their efforts. It just doesn’t seem like banner ads have ever accomplished that very well, but never hurts to try something new!
I’ll keep you posted. As you know, an awful lot goes into the production of a blog usually with no monetary return. Jeff says the market will eventually figure out how to make money at this. We’ll see.
You greedy capitalist!! LOL!!
Takes one to know one :)
I have decided to remain “non-profit” in my blogging and do not allow ads on my site. Just a personal choice—it’ll be interesting to see what your experience is with them.
Anne, I think it’ll be interesting to see what the experience is like too! I’ve really been torn about what to do. On the one hand, I don’t want my audience to feel like I’m selling them out. On the other hand, it would be nice to be paid something for the work, even if it’s just a pittance. I’ll keep you posted…