What’s this growing in my backyard?
Sea creature. Filigree.
Spiky crown.
Yesterday it bloomed. Look closely.
Now tell me there is no Creator. Are you sure? Look again.
Now tell me there is no God.
The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.
The world and all its people belong to Him. Psalm 24:1 NLT
Thank you, thank you, that after the long night, You are Sunrise…
Where do you see God working in the smallest details of your life?
Aimee, What a nice picture of you and Jeff. Thank you for bringing him into our family. We think he is great and we love him too. By the way, beautiful pictures of the sunflower, too.
We wish you, Jeff and Theo and blessed and happy New Year!
Aunt Sara
Thank you, Aunt Sara. We wish you a blessed and happy New Year too!
The best thing about living on a farm is getting to see God’s glory every single day. There are times at the feed yard when I can literally feel God’s peaceful presence. I tell my girls that “God is everywhere–you simple have to look for him”.
By the way, I love your statement “Wonderful people comment here”–It makes me feel good every time that I start to write to you. Thank you!
Wonderful people do comment here. And God is all around us :) Thanks for reading, Anne!
Great thoughts! Your words (and pics) reminded me of Heb 11:3: “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.”
Ex nihilo. Vicki, that’s so good. Thank you for reading and commenting. I wanted to use Psalm 19:2-4, but it seemed to refer specifically to the heavens (even though it applies to all creation):
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.
That is beautiful. I always tell my Sunday School students that the very first proof we have of God’s existence is his creation. We, and our world, are knit so intricately together that it just can’t happen. We cannot toss a giant bin of Lego on the floor and expect that a beautiful Lego Castle will appear. That castle must be built. And, so it is with our world, and our awesome, incredible God!
You mean we can’t say to God, “You didn’t build that”?… Sorry, I’m watching the RNC as I answer comments tonight and couldn’t resist. I love what you tell your Sunday School students: “The very first proof we have of God’s existence is His creation.” I may have to use that. Thank you for your comment and wisdom, Pam.
Oh, did this make me smile! Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! There is a God. He is alive!!
So glad, Stacey! He is alive and well and still in the business of growing beautiful things, be they sunflowers or lives. Thanks for your sweet comment.