Happy Thanksgiving

Words to remember for the week: 

The verse ends, “…for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 

Bittersweet to me.

Bitter because not all circumstances naturally produce gratitude. Some circumstances seem to have no redeeming qualities.

Sweet, and I cringe a little as I write this, because if God asks us to be thankful, there must be in all circumstances cause for thanksgiving. The sort of gratitude we cannot conjure up by ourselves. The kind that relies on another verse, “I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.

I’m taking a blog break and plan to be back next week.

Until then, I pray God reminds me and you of those things for which we can be thankful no matter what. Things like life, breath, and peace with Him through Christ. What others come to mind?

Thank you for reading. I am honored that you do!

Happy Thanksgiving from everyday epistle.

8 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving

  1. Aimee,

    Those were words that I needed to read this morning. Our beloved dog got hit by a car over the weekend and we lost her. As we buried her in the horse pasture I kept asking myself what God’s plan was, and what good could come out of it? I am still searching, but my faith tells me that our family will find a way to count our blessings and simply be thankful for the time that we had with our loving dog. This is especially hard for us because we lost our cat only two weeks ago. As always, we dig deep and prevail on, but it is hard.

    I am so thankful for my daughters–watching them lean on each other and their daddy and I as they learn to cope with loss gives me something beautiful to focus on.

    Have a blessed Thanksgiving–

    1. Wow. Anne, I am so sorry to hear this. I thought I remembered reading that you lost your cat, and now your dog? Our dog is a beloved part of our family. I cannot imagine your feelings of loss. Your example of “digging deep” and sojourning on are an encouragement to me to persevere. Thank you for reading and for your thoughtful, wise comments. Happy Thanksgiving, my friend.

  2. And a Happy Thanksgiving to you as well old friend. Sorry I have not commented as much lately but I have been dealing with some time constraints to say the least. Still a faithful reader though. Love to you and your family and God Bless!

    1. Thank you, Rodney, and the same to you and your family. I know life has been tough going for you lately. Hang in there, brother. God knows and understands even when it seems like no one else does (I write that as much for me and for you!).

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