10 Things I Learned on My Spring Blogging Break

Hi. How you been?

solution focused
solution focused

My spring blogging break lasted longer than expected. Lots to tell you. Where to start?

Amy at Using Our Words writes a regular column of 10 things she’s learned each week. She’s the boss of this format, which I am not—and she’s funny, which I am occasionally. In homage to Amy, here’s my list of 10 things I learned while I wasn’t blogging.

  1. “Vacation” doesn’t capture the magic of a trip to Disney World. “Triathlon” would be closer.
  2. Sometimes the answer is as simple as giving the dog a new toy.
  3. There are a lot of mean people on the internet.
  4. Two and a half hours is a looong way to drive to the nearest Loft.
  5. Moms don’t exist until they’re on the phone, applying their makeup, or sneaking a nap at which time they’re indispensable and needed right away.
  6. When your stress level reaches a certain point, you can actually feel your axons and dendrites ache.
  7. Writing takes time. Writing well takes time and editing.
  8. Opportunity costs stink.
  9. Skype rocks.
  10. A good pair of khaki shorts never die.
still kicking
still kicking

Carry on.

Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. 1 Corinthians 13:7 NLT

Something good this way comes.

Guess what? (No spoilers if you know what.)

17 thoughts on “10 Things I Learned on My Spring Blogging Break

  1. 1,2,3 great… Love your dog so cute. My vacations have been staycations for a while as hubby and I can’t get stuff done unless we take time off work and stay home to do them. Good post once again I am enjoying my time on your blog :)

    1. I’m glad you came by and that you’re enjoying your time here. So is my dog. Her name is Ella and she’s an 11-year-old cairn terrier. She had a rough time at the groomer/vet today. They gave her the summer cut (shave) and booster shots. She looks a little like a cat.

      1. Oh my what a day for mer. We have a fox terrier/ jack russle mix and I LOVE him :) The cairn is a great version of terrier so cute and loveable :)

  2. Welcome back! Your dog is adorable…I can see why an new toy would brighten the mood of everyone in your home. I hope you found something fun at the Loft. That is a long drive!

  3. SO glad to see you back Aimee!!! I have so missed your posts!! I am always so happy to see people take breaks from this gig- It’s important to pull back and evaluation and reflect and perhaps prioritize. Balance is key.

  4. Kinda sums up a regular weekend for me. And double ditto on the shorts. Lived in mine all this last weekend and just picked up a new pair at Costco. Amazing how excited a $17 piece of cotton makes me. Cheers!

  5. Welcome back! I’ve missed you, but am so happy for you that you took some time to focus on family. Thank you for the kind words…I’d say you nailed the format yourself!

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