Reader’s Choice ’12: Hope Blooms

My husband Jeff Whetstine is the eternal optimist.

Aimee and Jeff Whetstine
me and Jeff

Consider the three reasons he gave for his selection:

1. We planted those seeds.

2. They were among the few living things we found to thrive in the harsh, arid conditions of Wichita.

3. They were beautiful.

Yes, they were. And we were there to see them. Hope does a lot more than float.

Jeff’s Reader’s Choice is:

Hope Blooms

Hope Blooms
click to read Hope Blooms

readers choice

This post concludes our Reader’s Choice 2012 series. I hope you enjoyed meeting the readers and revisiting their selections as much as I did. Special thanks to everyone who participated. On to 2013!

Hope Blooms

What’s this growing in my backyard?

sunflower bud

Sea creature. Filigree.

sunflower filigree

Spiky crown.

sunflower crown


sunflower burst

Yesterday it bloomed. Look closely.

sunflower bloom close up

Now tell me there is no Creator. Are you sure? Look again.

sunflower white spider close up

Now tell me there is no God.

The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.
The world and all its people belong to Him. Psalm 24:1 NLT

Thank you, thank you, that after the long night, You are Sunrise

Where do you see God working in the smallest details of your life?