Swim Noodle Boot Stuffers

winter lace up boots
swim noodle + tall boots = genius

This is Monday, and I said I would be back around mid-week. Monday is not mid-week, but some things are too important to wait to share. Like this quick Pinterest success story. An idea so simple, so ingenious, so must-do.

Swim noodles cut to size and used to stand tall boots at attention! 

Less than five minutes with a bread knife and two worn-out swim noodles resulted in four pairs of boots set upright and ready for winter weather. If only all things in life could be this easy and common sense. Reduce, reuse, recycle!

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Pinterest success!

This idea came from a Boutique Narelle pin. The author measured the swim noodles, cut with a saw, and vacuumed the edges of her boot stuffers, none of which I had to do because of two magic words: bread knife.

She’s skilled in the crafts of home and hearth. Proverbs 31:19a The Message

These Boots are Made for Walkin’ by Nancy Sinatra.

What are your Pinterest success stories?
Please include links to your pins!