I have no goals.
That’s what I told my husband. I’m Italian. Melodrama runs high.
“You do have goals,” he said. “You wanted to move back to North Carolina and you did.”
“Yes, but now what?”
Good question. You’d think I’d have figured out that detail in advance.
I love blogging, but my husband’s consulting business is growing. He needs me to take on a more public role in the company, at least for the next few months. Officially, I’m a Managing Partner.
So what becomes of the blog and the 50 other business and writing ideas I have rolling around in my head. Lots of women do both, work for pay and blog for free. Can I? Should I?
Blogging carries with it the urgency of social media to publish. Publish. Publish. Post something already. It reminds me of the toddler in the grocery store who must have the grossly overpriced, cartoon themed, neon colored fruit pops. NOW. How would the wise parent respond to said toddler?
In a word: no. In two words: not now.

Easy advice to give, but following through feels like a huge, scary risk. It’s so stressful that I had to eat NC barbecue twice already this week as comfort food. I’ll be crowned queen of the Lexington Barbecue Festival come October.
What if you say no and the toddler throws a fit on the floor of the frozen foods aisle? What if she holds her breath until she passes out? What if she hates you?
What if she ignores you and you become irrelevant?
So be it. The wise parent remains in control. The smart mom thinks to herself, “That child’s not the boss of me!”
The adult in the situation is able to say no, not now. Everyone survives and is usually better off for it.
What do people really get for all their hard work? I have seen the burden God has placed on us all. Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. Ecclesiastes 3:9-11 NLT
The Zombies Tell Her No.
Have you mastered the art of saying no?

FYI: I plan to continue blogging as a monthly contributor for Project Underblog. Please read my August post The What’s Next? Crisis of Blogging.
I also hope to continue to blog here, but I’m not telling you when because I don’t know when. The best way to see the stories I don’t know when I’ll publish is to subscribe for free updates on email. Follow the prompts in the top right sidebar to subscribe. Just do it.
photo credit: Storm Crypt via photopin cc
photo credit: shiilo75 via photopin cc