Reader’s Choice 2011: Mortality Math and Neon Numbers

Rodney Southern

Rodney Southern and I have a few things in common.

We grew up in the same community. Share the same middle school and high school. Know a lot of the same people.

We’re both married with young children. Both enjoy writing and blogging.

But there’s one thing we wish we didn’t share.

Rodney’s Reader’s Choice is:

Mortality Math and Neon Numbers

click to read Mortality Math and Neon Numbers

Reader’s Choice 2011: The Great Clinique Heist of 2011

Kim Powell

It’s the most wonderful time of year.

You know. When Sephora stocks jumbo bottles of Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion.

Already got mine. And I’m keeping a tight hold on it.

My friend Kim Powell of Via Peregrini says she thinks of me whenever she sees Clinique’s flagship product.

Kim’s Reader’s Choice post is:

The Great Clinique Heist of 2011

click to read The Great Clinique Heist of 2011

Reader’s Choice 2011

abominable snowman as seen at Sears

During the last two weeks of December, everyday epistle will feature favorite posts from 2011 as chosen by a handful of faithful readers, several of whom you’ll get to meet here.

Think of it as Forrest Gump’s box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get. Except all of these will be tasty and have zero calories.

A different post will be featured each day with a link to click and read the original.

I’ve also opened the comments sections on all posts. Read and respond at will.

It’s been a blast to see what posts readers chose. I hope you enjoy the rapid fire of laughter, tears, and fun as much as I have.

look for the logo

So get ready for a little trip down memory lane. Be on the lookout for the blue logo and abominable snowmen.

It all starts next week. But before the Reader’s Choice 2011 kick-off, one more 2011 post is scheduled for Friday.

Remember, O Lord, Your compassion and unfailing love, which You have shown from long ages past. Psalm 25:6 NLT

The 12 Days of Christmas by Straight No Chaser. Ahhh capella!

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