Hi. How you been?

My spring blogging break lasted longer than expected. Lots to tell you. Where to start?
Amy at Using Our Words writes a regular column of 10 things she’s learned each week. She’s the boss of this format, which I am not—and she’s funny, which I am occasionally. In homage to Amy, here’s my list of 10 things I learned while I wasn’t blogging.
- “Vacation” doesn’t capture the magic of a trip to Disney World. “Triathlon” would be closer.
- Sometimes the answer is as simple as giving the dog a new toy.
- There are a lot of mean people on the internet.
- Two and a half hours is a looong way to drive to the nearest Loft.
- Moms don’t exist until they’re on the phone, applying their makeup, or sneaking a nap at which time they’re indispensable and needed right away.
- When your stress level reaches a certain point, you can actually feel your axons and dendrites ache.
- Writing takes time. Writing well takes time and editing.
- Opportunity costs stink.
- Skype rocks.
- A good pair of khaki shorts never die.

Carry on.
Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. 1 Corinthians 13:7 NLT
Something good this way comes.
Guess what? (No spoilers if you know what.)