See that banner at the top? That foreign image in the sidebar? Yes, those are ads.
I’ve succumbed to the invitation from WordPress to try the WordAds Beta.
What does that make me? A greedy sellout? A savvy businesswoman?
A somewhat clueless blogger would be more accurate. I’m still learning and this is part of the process. Together we’ll see how this works.
Together as in me and you. You and I. We. You are an accomplice, complicit in the crimes and passions of this crazy blog experiment.
Relax. Your part is easy and doesn’t involve the getaway car.
Please keep reading and visiting the site. If you see an ad that’s offensive or in poor taste, please let me know immediately via comment, email or Twitter. I don’t choose the ads that appear on my page, but I can pull them lickety-split.
Blogging with WordPress has been positive so far. If this newest twist works, great. If not, we’ll have learned something. What do we have to lose?
For I am the Lord your God
who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear;
I will help you. Isaiah 41:13 NIV
Ambivalence bordering snarkiness rules the day while the jury’s still out about the ads. Taken For a Fool? I hope The Strokes’ lyrics don’t apply here, even though their song rocks.