Is it wrong to thank Jesus I have finally been added to the Sephora mailing list?
Sidebar: For those of you whose mailboxes were also graced with the spring catalog, does François Nars look a lot younger than you expected? In my head I pictured him more like designer Valentino. Imagine my shock to see he’s such a PYT (that’s Michael Jackson-ese for Pretty Young Thing).
Back to the question at hand. Is it wrong to give thanks for the catalog?
Or to thank God when I find a parking place at the mall close to the door?
Or when the snow melts quickly because I’m so sick of snow I could scream?
Or when I see a collection of robins hopping around my yard, so I know even if it doesn’t feel like it, spring is here or they wouldn’t be?
Well-meaning people may imply these are trivial, silly, selfish things. It is disrespectful to thank God for such drivel.
How dare I be so trite with the Holy Almighty God. He is God and I am not.
And for that matter, I should not pray with my eyes open or when driving or doing anything else, but only during a scheduled quiet time first thing in the morning. I should not wear shorts either.
Okay. I’m kidding about the shorts. No one has implied that to me. Yet.
God is God. He is Holy. Almighty. Perfect. I am not. Agreed.
But I am His child.
And if He sees me at all like I see my child, nothing is drivel really. What matters to my child matters to me. Big or small. Important or trivial. Serious or shallow.
The One who made all the stars and calls them each by name, who sees even the smallest sparrow fall, who knows the number of hairs on my head, He is my Father and He knows. He knows. He knows.
Be it day or dark of night, whenever I am blessed with the slightest tinge of joy or troubled by the most fleeting of worries, He says to me, “Bring it, child. Bring it.”
And when I do, it is well with my soul.
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! 1 John 3:1 NIV
To listen to Children of God by Third Day on their website, click here. Grab a box of tissues. They have quite a message to share.