“What do you do?”
“I have a blog.”
“Yes. Here’s my card.”
“Everyday epistle?”
“It’s not what you think. I mean, it’s not a devotional per se.”
“What’s it about?”
That question strikes me dead in my tracks. What’s it about? What’s it about?
At a marriage conference once, I heard a speaker talk about a woman’s talent to “spiderweb” in conversations. How it can drive a man into circuit overload.
Spiderweb used as a verb. Very appropriate. Goes something like this:
I don’t like ice. Except when I take my child ice skating. We wear bike helmets to protect his sweet little noggin.
She shoots a gossamer thread.
He insists we both wear helmets to ride our bikes in the neighborhood. I like my bike. And I love my neighborhood.
Another thread. And another.
But not as much as I love the South. Although we’re moving to Kansas. I think I might like to be a cowgirl there. Blogging is a lot like being a cowgirl.
A dozen fine, silken strands fly out and connect the rings.
I love blogging. Keeps me connected with some of my BFFs. I didn’t know what a BFF was before I joined Facebook.
Spinning, spinning.
I love Facebook. Sometimes I wonder if there’s unfinished business between me and people I friend. But life goes on and so do you. It’s like playing tennis.
She swings around the delicate starburst to the center, ready for the plunge.
I never learned to play tennis. And my son hasn’t learned to tie his shoes yet! You can learn most things in books. I love books and the library.
Going in for the kill.
I love music also, but sometimes I get the lyrics wrong. Muzak is another story. One time I met Steven Curtis Chapman at the airport. He wouldn’t remember my name. Most people misspell it. Anyway, he’s so cool and very down-to-earth.
She drops down and…
Vanilla Ice is cool too, pun intended. He may be more down-to-earth now that he’s rehabbing houses on DIY. Yeah, Vanilla Ice is all right even though, as I said before, I don’t like ice.
You’re caught.
“So what’s your blog about?”
“It’s about a lot of things. You should probably just read it for yourself.”
Good idea.
She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. Proverbs 31:25 NIV
Spider-Man and I would like to wish you a fun and happy Halloween!
Pretty cute. I thought they were called ‘chasing rabbit trails/tails’? I wind up doing that all the time in long one on one conversations with friends.
On an unrelated note, but tangential – since we’ll spin the web – to Halloween and a prior post on squirrels and pumpkins…
So, we carved our pumpkin only to discover that one or more squirrels decided it made for good eats! I promise we were not trying to copy-cat you! I’ve got the photographic evidence on my blog!
Hey, WA. Yes, some men are adept at spiderwebbing too. You and my husband would get along swimmingly :) Jeff can change subjects faster than I can sometimes.
St. Louis squirrels are voracious this year. I can’t remember them devouring our pumpkins like this before. And the whole thing at Busch Stadium. Sheesh. Super squirrels away! Can’t wait to see your post and pictures!
PS: Hey, everybody, just read WA’s post and it’s terrific. Here’s the link to the pumpkin eating squirrels story by Wading Across: http://wadingacross.wordpress.com/2011/11/01/a-pumpkin-gets-squirreld/
I’d never heard the term “spiderweb” for the way a woman thinks. Love it! Similar concept is in the marriage book titled , “Men are like Waffles, Women are like Spaghetti.” So true, so true!
Hi, Beth. I love that spaghetti-waffles analogy too! Men and women complement (and often frustrate) each other with their typical communication styles. Keeps things in perspective. What a great design, huh? :)
Proverbs 31:25 is my life verse! I love it! And I love having a friend as spiderwebby as I can be too. It’s like therapy. :)
Yes, I agree. Sometimes it seems like blogging is akin to therapy. Glad to have you as a spider-sista!
It’s a blog about everything and nothing at the same time. All depends on how much you care about Aimee. I’m just a tad closer to everything.
Kind of like Seinfeld? ;)